Storytelling Stamping
StorytellingStamping by Kathy Cano-Murillo.
StorytellingStamping™ is a soulful and creative art experience using carved stamps by Chicana artist, Kathy Cano-Murillo of Phoenix, AZ. It is a one-on-one art exchange that reveals your subconscious thoughts about one’s life, habits, and meaning.
Upcoming sessions:
Stay tuned for 2025!
This activity honors and celebrates:
Appreciation of past, present, and future generations.
Culture and tradition.
Personal storytelling.
Individual’s purpose and meaning.
Imagine… Magnetic Poetry combined with a card reading combined with an inkblot test!
NOTE: Contact me if you would like me to present StorytellingStamping at your next event.
A few pictures from previous events.
This is an art activation I created in 2023 to connect with community on a one-on-one basis. We each have a story and a perspective of each other.
StorytellingStamping is a way for us exchange our stories and energies, compare our perspectives and learn something new about one another.
As the artist who created the motifs, I use the stamps as the conduit for allowing people to express themselves in a simple and fun way. One doesn’t have to be super creative to do this. All that is needed is choosing stamps that call to you and stamp it on a card!
I carved 70+ stamps from rectangular erasers, each with a different motif. Then I journaled about each design and what it meant to me, what I was thinking during the process of carving, the intent of the design from my POV. The entire process took three months to carve and journal about the stamps I created.
This idea came as part of an art activation I did for Canal Convergence. I was to create an experience for attendees that would take a few minutes per person. Rather than do traditional craft project, I felt called to create something with emotional depth. The stamps were carved and I had no idea at the time exactly how it would play out. My friends stepped up as beta testers. They. LOVED. It.
Since then, I have been traveling around the country sharing the StorytellingStamping experience!
How StorytellingStamping works:
It takes a few minutes per person.
One table that seats 6-8 people is set up. The tray of stamps and stamp pads are in the center, along with blank index cards. The person chooses from the stamps to design a collage on the card.
They then take the card to me at a different table and I tell them their story based on the design they created. They explain their meaning of why they chose the stamps. It is so powerful and fun. Sometimes it brings us to tears!
Assorted stamps set up and ready to be put to use!
My intention for StorytellingStamping
My goal is for people to learn something new about themselves – or face an unrevealed truth or inner thought. It is a way for us to connect as two spirits having a human experience. A way for people to see/feel their self-reflection on a deeper level: Reveal truths, recognize patterns, identify comfort zones and vulnerabilities, and gain confidence and insight.
“Crafty Chica’s storytelling stamping game is not just a fun activity with friends and family; it’s a powerful tool for self-discovery and deeper connections. Not only can players explore their higher selves and unlock overlooked aspects of their spirit but I believe it is a modern evolution of tarot decks and oracle cards.”
Curly Velasquez, @TheCurlyShow – media personality and avid woo-woo aficionado
Keep tabs on me to see where I’ll have the next StorytellingStamping™ session.
This event has passed, but I’ll have more coming up soon!
Some people even frame the StorytellingStamping cards they made to keep themselves inspired!